Communicate With Filipino Locals Confidently

Communicate With Filipino Locals Confidently

Continue Learning Tagalog

Individuals who have really committed themselves to the next level of knowledge in their target language will benefit from our programs. After they've completed their Elementary Tagalog, they can be qualified to take our One On One Premium Classes For Intermediate In Tagalog.

Intermediate Tagalog

This 24-session Intermediate Tagalog module is about accents & accent marks, sentence patterns & construction, affixes, verbs, other parts of speech, and extensive training on speaking, listening, writing & reading. Just like the beginner's modules, this is a 1-hour per appointment Premium Class. Depending on student's time to commit each week, they can finish it in 3 months.

And then as they practice their Tagalog, they'll be able to express their experiences, dreams and ambitions and give brief reasons for opinions and goals in their target language.

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