Beginners Tagalog Online

Beginners Tagalog Online

One On One Premium Classes For Zero To Little Knowledge In Tagalog

You have a Filipino lineage but raised, or chances are born in North America. A part of you is being a Filipino. You're a citizen of one country and not the Philippines. You've been hearing your parents speak Tagalog with your aunties and uncles but have never learned the language.

Now you feel like there's a need for you to connect with your roots...

You want to learn the language.

You want to learn Tagalog

And here's the good news: I've developed a program to help you Learn Tagalog!

Maybe your current knowledge in Tagalog could either be zero or little of them, my One On One Premium Class for Beginners will help you to be able to:

  • Read and pronounce Tagalog words satisfactorily
  • Say common greetings and respond to greetings satisfactorily 
  • Acquire moderate range of vocabulary
  • Talk about himself (or herself) and members of his/her family
  • Ask questions and describe few things around him/her
  • Construct simple sentences with proper tenses of verbs and satisfactorily uses correct part of speech

This is a 24-session program which maybe you'd finish it in 6 months should you consider attending just one session per week. This is a 1-hour per session Premium Class but all exercises are in place so you'll have activities in between sessions. Or you can finish it in just 2 months, or 3 depending on how many hours you want to book an appointment each week.

If you're not decided to learn yet, that's alright but it will be nice if you'd...

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